Tuesday, October 09, 2018


No Longer Liberal Democrats

Is there anyone that can seriously say that there is a person with conservative values that the left will accept as legitimate opposition? ...Of course not.

The left’s position is now beyond obvious. No one holding views different from their own must be permitted a voice or position in public office. They will accept nothing less than a coup d’ etat.

They currently don’t even have the unrestrained authority they have been seeking yet they are openly threatening to impeach, imprison, and in some cases, commit violence against anyone who fails to adequately support the socialist “revolution” to enslave free peoples. Leftism is always oppressive, punitive, and authoritarian.

If Trump were to be replaced tomorrow by the most docile black woman who held conservative views, she’d be harassed to no end. If Brett Kavanaugh was not sworn in as a new Supreme Court Justice, there is no one else who would be acceptable who did not state emphatically that they would override the constitution to command “progressive” dictates.

These are the same people we’ve seen throughout history who round up political enemies, imprison, and execute. All they need is enough power. They thought they were almost there.

The best case scenario for America at this point is one where sane and sober liberals break off to form a party of ...liberals — people of the center-left who favor more social spending and more passive attitudes toward military spending, etc. (typical “liberal” positions). Liberals don’t hate America. Liberals don’t seek radical disruption and chaos. Liberals don’t seek to undermine the safety and success of fellow citizens for a global collectivist order. “Progressive” leftists actively support all of the above. If rational reasonably patriotic liberals from past decades were to break away from the insanity within the current Democrat party, conservatives and liberals could resume a civil discussion regarding their conflicting views on government. If that were to occur, the Jacobin rabble of the “Progressive”/communist left would fade and have to return to their turbulent psyches and their cave of angst and resentment....

...’better for all of us.

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